Tofu Cheesecake

Are you craving for yummy, creamy and rich tasting cheesecake yet finding it just too sinful? I have a good alternative for you! You should try out this tofu cheesecake recipe!  This is almost no bake,  I did bake my own sweet paste base but this is completely optional.  I am still so thankful to…

Mousse Cake #8: Tiramisu

I normally make more traditional tiramisu  which does not need gelatin.  It is interesting to learn a different style which is lighter in taste and it holds its shape.  Frankly I do love the taste of my own tiramisu recipe .  Next time I will adjust my own recipe and see if I can fill…

Mousse Cake #6: Ladyfingers Sponge

Like the sweet paste tart dough, this is totally unexpected surprised bonus recipe I’ve learned from French Mousse Cake course from Pastry Training Centre of Vancouver.  Thinking back I haven’t made ladyfingers for years because it is so much more convenient to buy and it is so complicated to make.  Frankly you cannot taste the…

Mousse Cake #5: Italian Meringue

Egg is one of the most amazing ingredient for baking!  Actually I first fallen in love with baking was during making of sponge cake  in my secondary school cookery class.  Looking the runny bridge yellow liquid transfer itself into pale foam and bake into sponge cake was like magic!  Italian meringue does the similar magic…

Mousse Cake#4: Crème Bavaroise (Bavarian Cream) Mousse Cakes

This is the very first time I can finally consistently produce sooth texture mousse base after learning the trick of temperature control, method of mixing the ingredients and most importantly the correct portion of gelatin.  I still couldn’t find gelatin sheet, so I have been sticking to recipe that just happens to use the whole…

Mousse Cake #3: Chocolate Croquant Mousse Cake

This is not simple but I definitely want to master this one!  So this will only be my first try. Will keep on trying until successful!  Here is how my first try looks like: It is fairly complicated involves four recipe to complete.  I have never done any of the before this course. Nutty croquant…

Mousse Cake #2: Sweet Paste Dough

Such a surprised that I have learned this recipe in mousse cake course! This is a very versatile pastry dough. Like Chef Marco suggested, make one (when you have time during weekend), and keep in your fridge. You will have lovely tart in no time any day of the week. The texture of so much…

Mousse Cake#1: Chocolate Cigarette Tuile & Joconde Sponge

As promise, I am gradually recreating each recipe I’ve learned from French Mousse Cake Course from Pastry Training Centre of Vancouver.  The challenge is recreating the pretty lining of the bottom chocolate sponge which is made from chocolate cigarette tuile and Joconde sponge . BTW, that’s the very picture attracted me to take this course…